14 February, 2009

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy & clean coal

Minister for Mines and Energy
The Honourable Geoff Wilson
Tackling climate change with clever, innovative solutions

The Bligh Government has taken a major step forward [into fairy land] in tackling climate change and delivering a cleaner, greener energy future for Queensland, Mines and Energy Minister Geoff Wilson said today whilst sitting on Santa's Lap.

State Parliament has passed the Greenhouse Gas Storage Bill - new legislation to fast track the development of greenhouse gas storage in Queensland."Our new laws will pave the way for industry to explore for safe sites to store greenhouse gases," Mr Wilson said.

"It's the way of the future and it will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Queensland."It's intended to capture carbon dioxide from gas or coal-fired power plants and store it safely underground in deep reservoirs well below the earth's surface," he said.

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Minister Wilson said the coal, petroleum and gas industries were keenly interested in greenhouse gas storage. self interest in protecting profits gained from polluting the planet"

While we push ahead with renewable energy solutions and gas-fired power, coal will continue to play a role an important role in providing the power we need to get on with our daily lives. I think getting on with our daily consumer driven lives is the root cause of the problem"Our key challenge is to use it in an environmentally-sustainable way and that's where the Bligh Government is showing real leadership," he said.

whilst openning up rail & ports to move as much coal as quickly and as cheaply as possible

Mr Wilson said Tarong Energy, a government-owned corporation, was working on a pilot project in partnership with CSIRO to capture greenhouse gases at the Tarong power station."It has the potential to capture 1500 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year - enough to fill 30 million balloons."Work is also well underway on a world-first project right here in Queensland - new technology that, if successful, could be capable of cutting emissions from a typical coal-fired power station by 90%."

It's the Callide oxyfuel project, the first of its type anywhere in the world and it's being developed by CS Energy, another government-owned corporation."CS Energy will retro-fit a power station with technology that burns coal in oxygen and gases rather than air, to create a concentrated stream of carbon dioxide which can be captured, transported and stored."Governments and industry across the globe are watching and waiting on the outcome," Mr Wilson said."

As well, our ZeroGen project could become the first in the world to combine coal gasification with carbon capture and storage, to produce electricity with low carbon dioxide emissions."It's all about smarter, cleaner power - converting coal into hydrogen gas to generate power."ZeroGen plans to build a demonstration plant close to the Stanwell power station near Rockhampton.

"It aims to capture carbon dioxide released in the combustion process at the site and store it underground in deep saline reservoirs in the Northern Denison Trough," he said.Minister Wilson said the new storage technology would have to meet the most stringent environmental standards."

It's Q2 at its smartest. We're taking Queenslanders and the rest of the nation into the future with strong, smart, green solutions," he said.

if CO2 capture & storage is the answer, I think the QLD State Government is asking the wrong question!

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